1 mins
Most Holy God, Into the light and into the dark, You come.
Into our hope and into our fear, You come.
Into our faith and into our doubt, You come.
Into this season of Lent we make Our preparations to review our lives, And take stock of our living. We give thanks for the good and cheerful Ways that bring joy into our daily existence. We repent the narrowness of heart, mind and eye That too often tarnishes our days.
Forgive us, gracious Lord.
When some may call for sacrifice in Lent, The giving up of some treat or pleasure;
Hear our call that we may take up Some new way of being, some new practice, That will leave a positive mark Upon our character and personality.
That faith may not be a denying burden But an affirming joy.
Make our countenance bright, Make our hearts sing, Make our actions speak for themselves As we embrace, with You, this season of reflection. And though we must still walk through dark valleys, Point us to the hill tops, Where Your healing, merciful light will shine, Where we may be led to the foot of Your cross, And to the empty tomb beyond, And out of Lent, find Passion and Palm, And Easter still to come.
Most Holy God, Our prayers, our lives, and all that we are We dedicate to You as we continue on This road of belief, To walk towards Your glowing presence.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we pray.
This article appears in the March 2025 Issue of Life and Work
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This article appears in the March 2025 Issue of Life and Work