Service in memory of minister’s wife |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

Service in memory of minister’s wife

The former Principal Clerk of the General Assembly, the Rev Dr George Whyte, conducted a Joint Great Glen Churches Service at Glengarry Parish Church, in memory of the minister’s late wife, Beverley Jones.

Beverley, wife of the Rev Anthony Jones of Fort Augustus and Glengarry Churches, passed away on December 18 2022, aged 59, after a battle with cancer.

At the service, Beverley’s favourite hymns were sung by the congregations led by the organist Ranald MacKenzie and by Kathryn Sharples, organist at Fort Augustus Parish Church. Ms Sharples led members of the Kilchuimen Community Choir in singing ‘Come O Love that Lovest All’, written by Anthony.

In his address Dr Whyte linked the saying of Jesus (Matthew 19.14) through the different stages of Beverley’s life. A microbiologist before meeting Anthony, she will be remembered by many in the parishes where they served together. Since Anthony was called to Fort Augustus and Invergarry, she served as convener of the Guild, a Presbytery Elder and Elder of the church. She will be greatly missed by Anthony and their children, Samuel, Miles, Bartholomew and Carys.

This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work