Lego church |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

Lego church

On a wet September Sunday afternoon Tobermory Parish Church hall welcomed visitors to the first Lego Church session. The plan was for people to create a Lego Tobermory.

Donna Dugdale, an elder at Tobermory and North Mull parishes explained: “I had started off by making our church building out of Lego, and placed it alongside a few roads for people to add their own creations.”

More than 50 people attended the session, ranging in age from three to 70 years old, and more tables had to be brought out to accommodate the crowd.

Donna added: “The end result was fantastic; we had the Soap Shop, Pier Café, MacGochan’s, the Mishnish buildings, the Aquarium and the Screen Machine. There were offices and houses, and some amazing exploration vehicles, too! There were two CalMac ferries and an array of other boats.”

This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work