Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Ahead of its merger into the new Presbytery of Lothian and Borders on January 1, the work of the Presbytery of Melrose and Peebles and its 22 congregations has been celebrated in a new commemorative booklet.

The booklet has been put together by long-serving Presbytery Treasurer Fraser Simm. He gave each congregation a suggested text but invited changes, so that the resulting publication is based on the thoughts of the congregations themselves. For each church, the booklet offers a mixture of history and the congregation’s vision for the future. It is tied in with a presbytery conference on mission which took place at the beginning of October. It also includes 122 photographs, including a section on some of the many stained glass windows in the area.

The booklet costs £5 and is available from the Borders Family History Association or contact Fraser on fraser.

This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work