Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


Broadcaster and hymn writer John Bell retired after 40 years working with the Iona Community in November.

John’s work alongside the Community’s Wild Goose Resource Group has included leading workshops on liturgy, music, spirituality and social justice in the UK, North America and further afield.

He has been a regular contributor at Greenbelt since 1996, speaking on topics such as holy humour, faith and doubt, Biblical women, sexuality and the character of Jesus. A prolific hymnwriter alongside Graham Maule, John’s passion for social justice and inclusion echoes through his songs and through the eight hymnals which he has edited and convened.

The Rev Ruth Harvey, Leader of the Community said: “As a young person in my 20s, my spirituality was brought to life by hymns and songs written by John Bell and Graham Maule. These songs from the world church, full of praise and possibility, still encourage me to keep singing, keep walking – ‘for the journey is long’. John and Graham have brought the Gospel to life through song, action and art not only for those of us in the Iona Community, but for a global audience. We are hugely grateful to John for his wit and wisdom, and for his powerful collaborations with Graham and others over the years. Long may this continue, through retirement and beyond!” Subscribe to January’s Life and Work to read John Bell on worship.

Image: Colin Ogilvie, Dailmore Photography

This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work