Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins



Lord of creation, we thank you for the joy summer days bring us.

For the joy of being part of your creation.

The joy that lifts our spirits as we experience the sun’s warmth; as our senses are assailed by all the sights, the sounds, the scents of summer.

For the joy of being a part of all you have created, we thank you.


Lord, we thank you for all the fun summer days bring us.

The fun of holidays, of spending time with our families, of playing and laughing together.

The fun of discovering new places, seeing new things, meeting new people.

Of exploring the wonderful world, you created.

For the fun of being part of all you created, we thank you.


Lord, we thank you for all the hope summer days bring us.

For hope to raise us up from the misery of these last two years.

For the hope of returning to summer living to enjoy everything that has been denied us.

For the hope of being part of all you created, we thank you.


Lord, we thank you for the renewal summer days bring us.

The renewal of body, mind, and spirit.

The relaxation afforded by days away from life’s normal routine.

The opportunity to set aside the busyness of life for a slower, more leisurely pace.

For the re-creation of summer days, we thank you.

Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your creation and of re-creation.

May the memories we make this summer remain with us and continue to bring us joy, fun, hope and a fresh sense of renewal in the days and months ahead.


Photo: iStock

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This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work