From The Editor |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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From The Editor

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THE summer months offer an opportunity to break from daily routine for a number of our readers.

The longer days and sunshine (which may only make occasional guest appearances in Scotland) give an opportunity for refreshment.

But for others there is no break from the constant grind of struggling to make ends meet, rising fuel, energy and food costs and from the care of vulnerable loved ones.

At the time of writing, there are predictions of rising inflation, a winter energy crisis and fears of increasing poverty in all communities.

Although the summer months offer an opportunity for pause and refreshment, they are also a time for planning.

The future mission and presence of the Church is currently an important internal discussion, but there is also a need to look outwards and shine the light brightly in our communities for those facing the greatest need.

Whilst energy may be in short supply in church communities because of issues presented by internal restructuring, a renewed focus on the future of the communities served by our Church is imperative. This need not involve reinventing the wheel and beginning from scratch, but if projects which reach out to help those most in need are already in place, why not offer support to those already running them – at a time when need could begin to outweigh what can be offered? This could involve ecumenical working or supporting community-based projects already in place.

One example of this is in a neighbouring town near where our family lives. The initiative began as looking after flower beds and planting across the town. From there, a small market garden and beehives evolved, snowballing into a community outlet where surplus food is donated by local supermarkets and passed on or turned into healthy, hearty meals, served at a regular café. During the global pandemic the group delivered food and meals to those identified as vulnerable and lonely.

“…there is a renewed opportunity for the Church to provide support, succour and love

The project has fitted out new premises and benefits from the support of volunteers (and financial support through grant aid) to create a bigger hub to support the community. Similar work is already undertaken in many of our churches, according to local need.

But as we look ahead, even in the short term, the needs of our communities are likely to increase and there is a renewed opportunity for the Church to provide support, succour and love – and again speak truth to power (as Jesus did) with first-hand evidence of the struggles and crisis likely to be faced by many more people in the seasons to come – and re-energise the people of our Church with passionate focus.

This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work