Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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April 2022 Crossword – Compiled by Jeannie Hollands


1 Last OT book (7)

5 Sanctuary (7)

9 ‘Look ye saints, the ------’, (hymn) (5,2,8)

10 Point for writing (3-3)

11 One of Miriam’s brothers (5)

14 Communion tables (6)

15 A swindle (6-2)

18 Aircraft bodies (8)

1 9 Hit snooker ball wrongly (6)

21 Entrance hall (5)

23 Rid sky (anag) (3,3)

26 ‘May the mind of ------’, (hymn) (6,2,7)

27 Trial (4,3)

28 Amazing occurrence (7)


1 Eucharist (4)

2 Trademark (4)

3 Large church (9)

4 Sienna (anag) (6)

5 Unmarried (8)

6 Isaac’s father’s former name (5)

7 Verify another way (10)

8 Passover meal (4,6)

12 Song of Mary (10)

13 Enclosed areas where cattle are kept for market (10)

16 Reconsider (5,4)

17 One endowed to pray for others (8) 20 Alabaster (6)

22 Vertical pipe (5)

24 Of animals (4)

25 Poetic word for the Cross (4)

April 2022 Cryptic Crossword – Compiled by Peter Chamberlain


1 Campanologist’s way round? (4,4)

9 Late news item (8) 10 Doctor gets round ban (4)

11 I’m 29 across, no problem for sect (12)

13 Become more cheerful start smoking! (5,2)

15 What opposites do to bring together (7)

16 Soothe included among phrasal verbs (5)

17 Shrine put back in South Africa (5)

18 Doctor in some dictionaries (5)

20 Holy person at home during half the weekend (5)

22 Gail and Ella endlessly drunk, it’s against the law (7)

23 Community generally form association (7)

25 Inn, central place of worship (6,6)

27 Short time Jack had with Lot’s son (4)

28 Lord’s innkeeper (8))

29 Consecrated dean into new order (8)


2 Perfectionist’s notion with set of data (8)

3 Herod sped with hog round to find Jesus (4,8)

4 Threatening to be sinister (7)

5 Bitch’s principle? (5)

6 Remove a tenpin shaped like a feather! (7)

7 12 down’s first periodical (4)

8 No end of ballyhoo, no nervous reaction that’s sleep-inducing (8)

12 Number of kings threw enemies out (5,4,3)

14 Father to left of Pope (5)

15 Some of the haven sheltered plant (5)

17 Spots Tam’s gait that’s awkward (8)

19 Tell one’s friend (8)

20 New Orleans in Italy! (7)

21 Trooped out of this boat carrying missiles (7)

24 Favourite artist from ancient city (5)

26 River port has not been finished (4)

There is no prize draw this month and the Crosswords are just for fun.

Solution to March 2022 Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Sidon; 4 Blaspheme; 9 Relents; 10 Mousaka; 11 Walk with God; 13 Gad; 14 Ashram; 15 Steeples; 18 Laudanum; 20 Eggs on; 23 Roc; 24 Reconstruct; 25 Château; 26 Haggada; 28 Pipe dream; 29 Enemy

DOWN: 1 Screwball; 2 Delilah; 3 Nun; 4 Basuto; 5 Almighty; 6 Pound weight; 7 Evangel; 8 Eland; 12 What a friend; 16 Sanctuary; 17 Juncture; 19 Unclasp; 21 Soutane; 22 Anthem; 23 Recap; 27 Gee

Solution to March 2022 Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Burning bush; 9 Idiot; 10 Fictional; 12 Lecturer; 13 Gherkin; 15 Terra; 16 Usherette; 17 Vent; 18 Phil; 19 Treachery; 20 Dutch; 21 Service; 24 Gargoyle; 26 Latter-day; 27 Evade; 28 Mustard seed

DOWN: 2 Uriah; 3 Naturist; 4 Naomi; 5 Baal; 6 Hittite; 7 Hierarchy; 8 Eternal life; 11 Leviticus; 13 Grave-digger; 14 Nerve cell; 16 Unitarian; 18 Proverbs; 19 Theorem; 22 Ester; 23 Craze; 25 East

This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work