Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Published by: the congregation of Crathie and Braemar (ordering information available from Price: £25.00

The parish of Crathie and Braemar has been famous over the years for its geography – and visitors who have made their way through valleys and mountain passes to visit the area.

Over the years, the parish’s faith community has sought to reach out to those visitors passing though and engage with them and have established a project with the working title ‘I to the Hills’ and the fruits of their work have now resulted in a beautiful glossy book, which brings together images, words and music to take the reader on a journey with St Columba through Iona, with the intention of reaching out to all travellers.

Church of Scotland Reader John Lowrie Morrison (better known as the artist JoLoMo) provides the vivid images which serve as a backdrop to a CD of the haunting music of composer and fiddler Paul Anderson and the poetry of Francy Devine. The words, music and pictures were brought together by the Rev Kenneth MacKenzie, the minister (and chaplain to the Queen) at Crathie and Braemar. The parish hosts many holidaymakers each year and is best known for its annual ‘Gathering’ but also historically as a meeting place for travellers seeking to experience the beauty and hospitality of the area.

Readers are transported to the island home of Columba, frequently described as a ‘thin place’ and journey through the year and around some of the most familiar spots on Iona in words, vivid imagery and music.

A series of connected coincidences led the group behind the book to come together and the seeds for the journey in the footsteps of Columba in words, pictures and sounds were sown.

Generous financial support came from the St Margaret’s Trust in Braemar which also offered St Margaret’s Church in Braemar for the recording of the CD which is part of the book (and the journey).

A percentage of the artists’ commission from the book will be donated to charities of their choice.

For anyone seeking to journey to Iona without physically sailing there – the words, images and sounds capture the essence of the island and instantly transport readers to an evocative time and place.

This is a book simply to be enjoyed at leisure and is a veritable feast for eyes (and ears), which Columba himself would identify as his island home.

This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2022 Issue of Life and Work