Reviving and recentring |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

3 mins

Reviving and recentring

The Rev Ruth Kennedy

The Rev Ruth Kennedy reflects on the challenges of a new year – and the impact of a podcast.

THE prospect of a new year brings reflections, resolutions.

‘Re’ taking us ‘back to the original place’ or ‘anew’ if we consider some of the Latin origins.

Many of us, whether connected with faith or not, recentre on Jesus at Christmas, a thought and heart process lasting beyond Boxing Day. Seeds about Jesus have been planted at some point in lives, and with Christmas fresh in collective memories, the hope of a new year brings an opportunity to return to the focus of life, Jesus, and our faith in Him. Is that not an encouragement to keep sowing the seeds of faith throughout the year?!

Then during Lent we have yet more ‘Re’s’; more reflection and repentance. A call again to return to our origins anew. Turn, with greater intensity to our Creator who is our source of life and every blessing. Providing an opportunity for deeper growth in faith or, sometimes, even reviewing New Year resolutions; have they fallen away or have we established those desired rhythms of life fashioned after the patterns Jesus teaches us and drawing us ever closer to the heart of Father God?

Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians a reminder of who our focus is to be on; God:

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. (1 Corinthians 3:5-7)

Throughout the year we hear stories of ‘Emmanuel’, occasions when we know and experience ‘God with us’, accounts of the inexplicable works of the Holy Spirit, and sharing of answered prayers. They are like snowdrops bursting out from the wintered ground. Spring is not the only season where plants break through. It happens in every season. This is a beautiful illustration that in every season, God’s Spirit brings groundbreaking new life. Entirely focused on returning humankind to the original place of harmony with Jesus, the reconciliation of creation with God.

We are actively involved in this reunion, at times that is our individual lives as it is a heart matter for us. Additionally, we are set as agents of God’s Kingdom in communities and relationships with others, acting as catalysts for reflection, repentance, and reconciliation with God. It is part of our divine purpose that we do.

Now that might sound like you are being encouraged to do more, but, as we know, God works in mysterious ways! Journalist and author Suzy Bashford had a top charting podcast Big Juicy Creative and sincerely doubted Christianity. Last year she started a new podcast ‘Kincraig Cares’ telling of the life-giving impact of the love of individuals in her local village. Suzy talks of family dynamics, living with anxiety and how local Christians, and others, have walked with her, caring for her. ‘Not-yet-brave-enough-to-believe’ Suzy is shouting out how awesome Alvie and Insh Parish Church is, how compassionate Jesus is, because the people of God are being the people of God. They are not doing more than they always do remaining immersed in the God of love, reconciling hearts to Him. Of course, whatever Suzy and others celebrate us for, it isn’t a patch on what God is saying about us!

‘You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.’ ( John 15:14)

Friends with the Almighty Christ, that is worth reviving and recentring on, isn’t it? ¤

The Rev Ruth Kennedy is Digital Ministries Advisor with the Church of Scotland. (Kincraig Cares is available on all major podcast providers.)

This article appears in the February 2025 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the February 2025 Issue of Life and Work