Ancient paths in faith and hope |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Ancient paths in faith and hope

The Rev Ruth Kennedy explains how digital ministry continues to walk ancient paths.

The Rev Ruth Kennedy

Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the LORD says:

“Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

THE people of Judah rejected the wisdom on offer here as they chose not to follow the words of Jeremiah, God’s prophet to them.

They chose not to look and ask for the ancient paths, nor walk in them and so, missed the rest for their souls. We are often reminded of origins; our genealogy, roots, what Jesus sparked in us at the beginning to get us going in faith. Those ancient paths. These are different from repeating a programme or away of doing things just because it has always been done that way. It is a rediscovering of God’s ways and our love for God.

Despite digital ministry being one of the relatively ‘new things’ God is continuing to unveil in our church, its growth aims to hold fast to the original commands of Jesus, the heart-root of our faith and the origins of our Church. The ancient paths.

The first Celtic missionaries to Scotland loved the ancient paths of the Psalms. Prayerfully pondering about them arriving on a wind and wave-battered southwest coast of Scotland, inspired a poem from a member of the creative community of Sanctuary First. This has been shared as a blog within our digital ministry. Digital ministry is a wonderful platform for creative expression of our faith and ministry.

Heartfelt thanks to the Rev Anne Redpath for this contemporary psalm that helps us to be in an ancient, Celtic boat and ask for the ancient paths which lead us on in faith and hope.

I Heard A Whisper, Rev Anne Redpath. Chaplain Perth Presbytery, Interim Moderator Errol Parish Church.

I heard a whisper today it lifted my heart captured my soul and gave me hope that the tide is rising.

It is not quite time yet to cast off and set sail but time to make ready and make room to watch and wait for the unmistakable sound that the whisper has become a shout a bellowing beckoning unrelenting call to venture forth roped together three strands holding us fast to a purpose that throws caution to the wind anchoring us only to Christ’s love and there is a song on the wind catching our breath filling our lungs drum beating our hearts harness the wind sing the song, let courage and faith arise let hope strengthen, trust embolden, anchoring us only to Christ’s love Feel the strength, know the truth we are anchored in Christ’s love with no safer place to be when in a flimsy vessel on open sea taken to God knows where.

Feel the strength, know the truth, God knows where and we will be carried on the currents of his relentless love to a longing people the cargo in our hearts broken open, contents spilling treasure on the shore, our baskets emptied ready to hold and treasure all Christ offers to us there.

I heard a whisper today it lifted my heart captured my soul and gave me hope that the tide is rising

This article appears in the November 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2024 Issue of Life and Work