Prayer |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


God of all seasons

We praise you

for the abundance of autumn

the fragrance of

fruity fallings and fading flowers

of hedgerow harvests

hazelnuts brambles and

burgeoning pumpkin plots.

Creating God!

We worship you

for the planting and the promise

of winter wheat

of kale and cabbages

warm homes hotpots

and wild visitors

to garden and hill.

Generous God!

We thank you

for plentiful plates peaceful days

dark comforting nights

starry sky sightings of

Jupiter and Saturn

for safety and family time

friends and firesides.

God of all people

We remember

all countries, colours and creeds

the suffering the starving

the hurt and the homeless

horrors of war

dangers of displacement

mountains of misery.

Forgiving God!

We are sorry

for our part not played

for prejudiced

and unseeing eyes

ungenerous hands

and cold hearts

cajoled by comfort

Gifting God

We open our hearts

to joy beyond measure

to cups running over

brimming with hope

faith and love

ready willing fit for life

in all its fullness.


This article appears in the October 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2024 Issue of Life and Work