Prayer |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Lord of Creation, Let us marvel at the strength and fragility Of the order You created.

Out of chaos and darkness You spun out stars and planets And sun and moon.

In the poetry of the formless void Your voice spoke and called this Earth And all that is upon it, above it and within it Into being.

You have illuminated and darkened day and night; You have cascaded rivers and oceans;

You have surrounded this Earth With Heaven itself.

We bless Your Holy Name, Creator God.

We regard the mighty sweep of hill and mountain, And the intricacy of snowflake and tree leaf; We wonder at the composer of bird song, And the artist’s pallet colouring flower petals. We bless Your Holy Name, Creator God.

Humanity has done much to steward and shepherd This good earth, But has also done much to harm its atmosphere And deplete its resources.

Forgive us, Creator God.

Humanity has too often torn down and not built up, Too often polluted and not replenished.

Forgive us, Creator God.

In this season of Creation-tide, and coming Harvest, Open our eyes to what can be done to protect and heal our world, Open our ears to the calls for sustainability, And open our mouths to speak of Earth’s glories, And how as children of faith we determine To pass on to generations coming, As much of the beauty and diversity, As much of the astonishment and delight, That Your good Earth has given to us.

Through Jesus Christ, the Lord of Creation, we pray.


This article appears in the September 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the September 2024 Issue of Life and Work