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Just peace resources

Thomas Baldwin reports on the launch of new resources to help people talk about Gaza and the Middle East

AS the war in Gaza continues, Christian Aid has launched a new set of online resources to help people speak more confidently about the situation in the Middle East.

The initiative aims to combat a situation where people may shy away from conversations about Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory, seeing it as too difficult, controversial or uncomfortable.

William Bell, Christian Aid’s Head of Middle East Policy and Advocacy explained: “The lives of Israelis and Palestinians have been shaped by collective loss, trauma and fear, and the war in Gaza has demonstrated how urgently people in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory need a just peace.

“Every day, ordinary Palestinians and Israelis stand up for dignity, equality and a just peace, often at great cost. We want to stand with them and encourage others to do the same.”

The new resources, at www.christianaid. org.uk/get-involved/campaigns/justpeace-campaign, include a booklet containing first-hand accounts of life in Israel and Gaza, the history behind the current situation and facts about the barriers to peace; a reflection from William Bell, on the urgent need for understanding and peace; and a report entitled ‘Where is Palestine? A story of loss, inequality and failure’ which provides a snapshot of the reality many Palestinians face daily across the occupied Palestinian territory.

There is also information on how people can join the call for a ceasefire in Gaza by lobbying decision makers and signing a petition, or hosting a screening of the film The Tinderbox; and details of the monthly Prayers for Peace in the Middle East gatherings, hosted by Christian Aid Scotland.

Carol Finlay, Congregational Engagement Manager for the international work of the Church of Scotland said standing on the side of justice is important.

She said: “Being able to endorse new resources from a trustworthy source such as Christian Aid to support the understanding of the ongoing situation in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Territory adds to our ability as individuals, congregations and presbyteries to engage with the current situation.

“In the ‘Just Peace’ resource we can see how we can make a difference through campaigning and prayerful support. The online format is clear and concise yet allows flexibility in its use. As individuals we often find it difficult to see how we can make a difference through our small actions but this resource gives opportunity for people’s voices and actions to join together to really make a difference.”

People queuing for aid in Gaza. Credit: Christian Aid.

And the Very Rev Andrew McLellan, former Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, asked: “Are we in danger of becoming bored with, turned off by, the daily spread of dreadful news from Gaza? If we are, the right word would be ‘unforgivable’. The cries and tears of our suffering sisters and brothers deserve our continued and continual attention. Thank God, then, for Christian Aid’s new campaign for ‘A Just Peace’. When we need help to learn, when we need help to act, when we need help to pray, ‘A Just Peace’ may be exactly the help we need. Indeed, ‘A Just Peace’ may turn us back from something unforgivable.” ¤

This article appears in the August 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2024 Issue of Life and Work