My church |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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My church

Janice Maclean, an Elder at Milngavie: St Paul’s linked with Baldernock, charts a journey of faith.

THE present church building was opened in 1906 to house the increasing congregation of ‘The Auld Kirk’.

St Paul’s was never quite finished, as the missing tower attests to. Our retired minister, Fergus Buchanan, liked this aspect of the church as he said: “All churches were a work in progress, and never really complete!”.

I started going along to St Paul’s 30 years ago when I moved to Milngavie to be near my in-laws, who were long-time members. Although I had been brought up going to church, my Christian journey was really just starting at the time, and I was a little apprehensive as to how I would fit in! It was ‘posher’ than I had been used to but, I needn’t have worried, with a new baby, I was made to feel really welcome and was soon invited along to the Young Women’s group.

There was a huge congregation and a burgeoning Sunday school and as my children grew, I soon ended up as a teacher. Fergus was an excellent evangelical preacher and the church family was well fed with the Word.

We have a lunch club on a Wednesday and weekend activities for kids and teenagers. We have a Men’s association and a fantastic Guild. Our choir is fabulous, and we support lots of missional outreach in Milngavie and further.

The fellowship is amazing and there is a real sense of belonging to a community that has been created by true Christian hearts. A hug goes a long way when you need it!

The fellowship is amazing and there is a real sense of belonging to a community that has been created by true Christian hearts.

I took over heading up the teenagers’ bible class when the previous person left suddenly. I voiced my concern that I wasn’t ready! It was said to me that “The Lord clearly thinks you are!” You can’t really argue with that level of support.

Covid-19 brought about changes. Our services went online and we started quizzes over Zoom. This created a different dynamic and ironically, many of us got to know one another better and shared many ‘cosy’ evenings all in our different houses.

Eighteen months ago, our minister of 35 years retired. We weren’t able to call a minister right away.

The St Paul’s family really came into their own. We have looked forward and have come together as a much closer and supportive congregation. We have preached and run services. We have worked through problems and sometimes, controversial moments. We have shared sadness and joy. Most of all, we have never lost sight that the Lord is at the heart of our family and work with the community.

We are excited that our new minister, the Rev Lynsey Brennan will join us soon. We know that for the church to grow there needs to be both a partnering with the mission of God and a desire to make disciples of others. There are new ways of ‘being church’, that will challenge us, but it’s a risk worth exploring if it brings new life in Christ Jesus.

This article appears in the August 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2024 Issue of Life and Work