Recommended reading |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

Recommended reading

Cartoon: Bill McArthur

I have just finished reading Visions and Authorities by Marjory MacLean which was reviewed in Life and Work recently.

Based on ‘Short Courses for Church People’ Marjory states in her introduction that she means this collection of essays to be a generator of debate and opinion and it certainly achieved that for me.

I wish I had read this book before being involved in our Presbytery’s Mission Plan which was a truly frustrating experience. I think I would have had much more confidence to challenge when our plans were frequently rejected.

I would also recommend the chapter on ‘Filling a Vacancy’. It should be required reading for every member of Nominating Committees.

At a time of declining numbers and the pain of long-loved places of worship being closed this book challenges but also gives hope.

I found myself cheering at times!

This article appears in the July 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2024 Issue of Life and Work