Thinking ‘outside the box’ |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Thinking ‘outside the box’

The Rev Scott Rennie offers an introduction to a new short series reflecting on the work of the General Trustees.

THE Moderator’s theme for this year’s General Assembly was ‘Building Together.’

It was an inspired choice. On one hand we are a church in the midst of letting go of buildings and other structures that have served their time but are no longer needed. All this is very painful, of course. On the other, we are looking forward in hope to the future that awaits us as we seek to build a new church together. It is this task, in partnership with Presbyteries and Congregations, which we are excited about at the General Trustees, where I serve as Vice-Convener.

Over the next few months, I want to introduce you to a number of projects and areas of work which the Trustees are involved with and supporting, as we seek to play our part in building together for the future.

The Trustees catchphrase is ‘well equipped spaces in the right places’, that is, buildings which provide the resources for ministry and mission going forward in parishes across the country.

Bertha Park is a new area of housing on the outskirts of Perth, with 6oo homes of a planned 3,000 in this new town. The Presbytery of Perth saw the opportunity to find new ways of being church through a Presbytery Mission Initiative to this new community. Instead of seeking to build a new church type building, they sought the Trustees’ support to purchase a retail unit at the centre of the new community, next to the recently built high school, pharmacy and local cafes.

The Trustees provided the £330,000 required for both the purchase and fitting out of modern retail unit, which is now a community hub in this new and growing part of Perth.

The premises are used extensively by the local community, and by the church for community-based outreach with a big focus on children’s activities such as music classes, high school drop-in sessions, youth clubs and toddler groups. Worship takes also place once per week at the Hub, as do bible study sessions. No doubt as the new town continues to mushroom and grow, Bertha Park’s new hub will continue to flourish, and prove a ‘well equipped space in the right place’ for the years to come.

Bertha Park Community Hub

It’s great to see Presbyteries think outside of the box, and imaginatively about the kind of spaces that can aid mission and ministry. But we also have historic buildings too, which are priceless in their value for ministry and mission in very different ways. More of that to follow!

The Rev Scott Rennie is minister at London: Crown Court and Vice-Convener of the General Trustees.

This article appears in the July 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2024 Issue of Life and Work