View from the pulpit |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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View from the pulpit

The Rev Maggie Hunt describes how hope has arisen from change in Forfar.

“NEXT stop Forfar – All change.”

I can hear the announcer in my head as I face yet another question about what’s happening. It sometimes feels like you share the updates in a thousand ways to your church and community and still people ask: ‘What’s happening?’

Our presbytery plan was approved in September 2022 and our eventual union in Forfar took place in March 2024. There have been various newsletters, joint services, events, social evenings and ‘get togethers’ over the months…and yet there will always be people who need to know what is happening now or next – whether that is something we know or not.

As I write, my former church building has just closed. The final service was Easter Sunday and we left, knowing that we could either sit at the tomb and weep, or do as Christ called us, and go out and make disciples. It wasn’t easy BUT it wasn’t awful or grief laden or hard.


Because we knew that we needed to move on, in order to be the church God wanted. We needed to join together, share resources and be ‘as one’ for the future. And so, we look forward with faith and joy to a new future as part of Forfar All Souls Church.

On Wednesday afternoon this week (in mid-April) I watched as the removal men took away our lectern, communion table, chairs and font leaving a very empty chancel. It was sad to see the sanctuary look so bare. BUT… and it is a wonderful BUT… Our sacramental furniture has found a new home; along with a majority of the congregation, along the road at one of the three church buildings we are retaining [one in town, one in Aberlemno to the north and one in Letham to the east]. Some of our equipment has gone to Aberlemno and some small items of significance have been welcomed at Letham. Our new Kirk Session approved the signing of a lease agreement on a shop on the West High street to act as a Mission Hub for our new church, and outreach projects like the successful joint tots’ group and school uniform pop-up will hopefully be based there along with new missional activities and groups. The future looks and feels good.

I have happily joined a Team Ministry along with colleagues the Rev Dr Karen Fenwick and the Rev Heather Gourlay. For me, this means preaching in the village of Letham most weeks but also rotating with Karen and Heather to be sometimes in Aberlemno and sometimes in town at the Lowson building.

As we find our feet (we are only a few weeks in!) it is looking and feeling good with a real sense of unity and hope in the air. We are trying not to have a ‘rota’ but rather, to work organically to create a shared ministry across the area, whilst recognising the need for consistency and best using the gifts we bring to the team. This means that my ‘pulpit’ or lectern can change from week to week so I bring my own bible and travel mug with me. ”Have faith and coffee; will travel”.

This article appears in the June 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2024 Issue of Life and Work