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Life & Work Magazine

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A transformative experience

Oluwatoyosi Baruwa, a Christian Aid prophetic activist, describes how the experience of the programme can be translated into action on climate change and justice.

IN a world grappling with the urgency of climate change, where the need for action is required, individuals and communities are beginning to step forward.

As a Christian committed to social justice and environmental protection, I found my path intersecting with Christian Aid’s Prophetic Activist Scheme (PAS). This training programme for people aged 18-30 is rooted in the Christian faith and amplifies advocating for climate justice here in Scotland and the rest of the UK.

As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to care for the planet and its inhabitants. This belief led me to seek ways where I could actively engage in addressing the climate change crisis and the Prophetic Activist Scheme provided the platform I needed to turn my convictions into action. Participating in the scheme has been a transformative experience as I’ve gained insight into how faith can interconnect with activism to enact change. Through workshops and practical initiatives, the scheme has equipped me with the tools to effectively communicate the urgency of climate justice within my church community in Aberdeen and other churches.

One of the key aspects of the Prophetic Activist Scheme is its emphasis on prophetic action. As Christians, we are called to speak truth to power and challenge systems of injustice. I now feel empowered to help raise awareness of climate change in my local church and as a third year law student at the University of Aberdeen, I’ve begun to see the legal implications that climate change has. Over the coming months, myself and the current PAS cohorts are planning a series of initiatives to mobilise churches across the UK in the fight against climate change. We are currently working on a resource pack which includes ideas and information so that churches can learn about climate justice and how they can actively engage in it, through initiatives and schemes they could participate in and weekly prayer guides. We believe that by faith communities working together towards a collective goal, we can drive systematic transformation and create a more just and sustainable future for all.

The Christian Aid Prophetic Activist Scheme envisions a world where justice, compassion, and environmental harmony co-exist. I am inspired by the shared commitment of my fellow activists and the unwavering support of Christian Aid in amplifying our voices. Together, we are sowing seeds of hope and cultivating a movement that bears witness to God’s call for justice and love for all creation.

Oluwatoyosi Baruwa

My journey with the Christian Aid Prophetic Activist Scheme has been a testament to the power of faith-inspired activism in addressing the climate crisis. As Christians, we are called to be stewards of God’s creation and advocates for those at the margins of society. Through the scheme, I have found a community of likeminded individuals dedicated to embodying these principles and effecting meaningful change. With determination and solidarity, we will continue to strive for climate justice, knowing that our actions today will shape the world of tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ve inspired you to find out more.

Visit caid.org.uk /propheticactivist

This article appears in the June 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2024 Issue of Life and Work