Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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New members

The churches of Hamilton South and Quarter had a day of thanksgiving and celebration as a total of eight people were admitted by profession of faith.

First picture (below): the first service was at Quarter, where Marie Potts and Alan Johnstone were admitted (pictured with the Rev Drew Gebbie).

Second picture (below): at Hamilton South a further six were admitted through profession of faith, including one adult baptism. From left: Elizabeth Alexander, Lewis Kennedy, Kelly Murray, Juliana Affum, Vivian Nelson and Morgan Airlie.

International ordinations

When the International Presbytery met in the Scots International Church in Rotterdam from October 6 to 8, during worship on the Sunday morning, the service included the ordination of the Rev Cindy Campbell (of Christ Church, Warwick, Bermuda) as an Ordained Local Minister and the Setting Apart of Sia van den Bremt (of St Andrew’s Church, Brussels) as a Reader.

The service was conducted by the Presbytery Moderator, the Rev Joanne Evans-Boiten, with the minister of Christ Church, the Rev Alistair Bennet, preaching, and was a fitting conclusion to the Presbytery meeting.

While Sia will be based in Brussels, Cindy’s Designated OLM Appointment will provide for her serving in Bermuda for six months of the year and at St Andrew’s Church, Newcastle for the other six months an unusual first for both Presbyteries involved.

Gone fishing

Jim Mathew, a qualified angler and elder at Bellshill Central Parish Church, North Lanarkshire, led a group from the 1st Bellshill and Mossend Scouts to the Green Frog campsite and fishery near Moffat. As well as learning to fish, the Scouts were taught about sustainability and the environment. The Scout troop meets in the church’s Orbiston outreach building.

Half a century

Ronald Seath of Linktown Church, Kirkcaldy, was presented with a certificate marking 50 years in the eldership. Ronald was ordained at Crossgates Parish Church, then moved to Invertiel Parish Church in Kirkcaldy, which later united with Bethelfield to become Linktown. The presentation was made by the Rev Dr Graham Deans, locum minister.

John Tapsley was presented with a long service certificate marking 50 years in the eldership of Tarbolton Parish Church.

New elders

During a recent morning service at St Leonard’s Church, Forres, five new elders were ordained. Back row: Lauranne Grant, Rev Dewald Louw (Interim Moderator), Marion King. Front row: Karine Carson, Colin Stafford, June Machray.

Mixed emotions

There were mixed emotions at Forfar: St Margaret’s Church, which is entering into a union early next year, when a farewell service was held to mark the move of 3rd Forfar Scouts to a new home in the town. After commemorative photos had been taken in front of the church, scouts and church members headed inside to enjoy juice and a celebratory cake.

This article appears in the January 2024 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2024 Issue of Life and Work