Advertising Jesus |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Advertising Jesus

Rob Rawson highlights the importance of stepping out of comfort zones.

IN our series on preparing for mission, we have covered a number of practical matters, but have not covered the crucial issue of preparing our own hearts.

So here is our fifth key question: Are we prepared to step out of our comfort zones?

We could spend much time defining the term ‘comfort zones’, so maybe it is better thinking about what makes us ‘uncomfortable’. When Jesus walked on water in Matthew 14, Peter took a bold move of faith to come out of the security of the boat to join him.

For a few moments, in a very uncomfortable environment, Peter also walked on water until he looked around, his faith wavered (no pun intended!) and started to sink. Even then, he had the faith to call out to Jesus to save him. Sure enough, Jesus pulled him up.

For many of us, verbally sharing our faith can be an uncomfortable experience. Sharing faith by our actions, rather than by our words, is far more comfortable, even though it can involve hard work. I marvel at what our congregations can get up to in terms of loving and supporting local communities and engaging in ecological matters. Often, our actions involve outreach, such as a fundraising event, but who will mention Jesus at the event?

I’d like you to imagine a TV commercial that creates desire in your heart. You see the product in the best possible light and you decide you must have it. But imagine if there was no mention of the product’s name, nor of its manufacturer and no word on where you could buy it, or its cost. You would feel very frustrated!

When we live out our Christian lives in front of those around us, we hopefully advertise Jesus and create desire for people to know more about him. However, if we neglect to say anything about Jesus, we mirror that frustrating advert. When it comes to sharing faith, it needs to be a case of ‘show and tell’.

We may all have hang-ups when it comes to sharing Jesus (I do), but if we trust God to give us good opportunities and the words to say when those opportunities come, we may be amazed at what happens. Jesus says in Matthew 17 that faith as small as a mustard seed can shift a mountain. A tiny step of ‘uncomfortable trust’ can bring great benefit – both in terms of our own faith journey and in the life of the person we may speak to.

Of course, we can just stay comfortable and leave it to someone else…

Being intentional about Jesus is key to mission. Whatever good deeds we decide to do, whether as a congregation, or as individuals, let us recall Peter’s words in 1 Peter 3: ‘Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.’

This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work