Prayer |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


‘Do this in remembrance of me’, you asked us.

and it wasn’t a request for reminiscence, no,

so much more than that – to re-member you,

to bring your life back to life in ours.

So, Jesus, when peace is in pieces,

help us remember your words ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ and give us strength to work for that peace

in our homes, in our neighbourhoods, our communities, our nation

and our shared planet home.

When anger bubbles and fear of lost position or property takes our focus off loving our neighbour,

remind us of your story about the good Samaritan

and help us open the door to each other.

When we judge that we are right and therefore others must be wrong,

help us remember your call to leave the judging to God – loving each other is a big enough job to be getting on with.

As we remember those who lost their lives because we have collectively failed to let love win,

breathe into our spirits

your hope and determination

and never-ending will

for your will to be done.

A Remembrance prayer from the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland the Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton

This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2023 Issue of Life and Work