Donation ‘changes lives’ in Nepal |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Donation ‘changes lives’ in Nepal

A donation from a Renfrewshire church has been bringing urgent help and hope to children in Nepal.

Bishopton Parish Church made a donation to a group of Scouts from the west of Scotland currently in Nepal to work on a project to help rebuild classrooms and a toilet block at a school severely impacted by a major earthquake in 2015.

West of Scotland Regional Scouting spokesperson Stuart Wilson, who spent time at Bishopton as part of a Church of Scotland ministry discernment process last year, said: “When they heard I was going to Nepal they generously fundraised and gave me £1000 to support the people here.”

He said the donation had “quite simply changed lives”.

“I purchased books out here and put stickers in every one.

“I also spoke to a local charity who put me in touch with the Nepal Youth Foundation. Through that body a group of young men made bookshelves from scratch – and in the process learned new skills they can use to help support their families. I arranged engraved plaques for both bookshelves.

“The bookshelves and books came to just £230 which means there was £770 left. I have agreed to donate the remaining amount to the NYF and the work they do with malnourished children, the rescuing and re-education of young girls sold into slavery and support to new mothers travelling from the villages to Kathmandu to give birth.

“The £770 is equivalent to three times the average monthly salary in Nepal and will literally change hundreds of lives.”

He added: “Christ’s work through Bishopton Kirk is helping the people of Nepal.”

Church of Scotland congregations raised over £300,000 to support the people of Nepal following a special appeal to help rebuild homes named ‘Let Us Build A House’.

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work