Hundreds of years |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

Hundreds of years

Hundreds of years of service by elders and choir members at Helensburgh Parish Church were marked at a special service.

The church’s interim moderator, the Rev Ann Cameron and director of music Derek Clark presented long service certificates totalling more than 500 years to elders and members of the choir.

Certificates were presented to elders Jean Burns (32 years); Ronnie Dunachie (32 years); Roy Greer (30 years); Anne Mitchelson (30 years); Jean Ramsay (30 years); Colin Shannon (32 years) and Neil Turnbull (34 years). The choir members honoured were: Mary Duncan (50 years); Melville Matheson (50 years); Margaret Bruce (40 years); Elizabeth Colmer (40 years); Martin Speller (40 years); Richard Hassall (30 years) and Stephanie Mitchell (30 years).

Mrs Cameron and Mr Clark are pictured with some of the recipients after a special presentation service.

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work