Hold On, Let Go – How to Find Your Life | Pocketmags.com
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Hold On, Let Go – How to Find Your Life

Published by: Wild Goose Publications

Written by: Malcolm Doney and Martin Wroe Price: £9.99

In a world where extremes of events can raise difficult questions about the purpose of life, this book seeks to offer a guide to our days – difficult and easy – and offers thoughtful response and reflection to some of the big questions posed by the extreme moments of joy and pain.

The paperback seeks to encourage readers to find inspiration within themselves even when times are tough or difficult and the dilemma of daily living becomes overwhelming.

A range of topics are covered in short two or three page chapters, covering wisdom, inspiration and reflection with titles such as greeting the day to practising kindness, from sharing your winnings to the value of nothing and expecting the unexpected, the work is rooted in spirituality with a clear premise of support and offering a source of peace at both the best of times and the worst of time.

There are some small illustrations, reflections and poems which help to find the peace to some of the big questions raised by each of the themes. The clear intention is to bring peace and comfort to readers as the highs and lows of life pass and is a clear encouragement to find the joy in everyday living and express gratitude for our world, even when times are tough.

The title cleverly reflects the message that each day is different and some are made to hold on, whilst others are about letting go.

Perhaps the best summary of the premise of the book comes from the authors’ introduction: ‘Is there some hidden current to carry us through our days? The resonance of some distant melody. How the big moments – the birth of a child, say, or the death of a friend – may leave us wondering about how to live in the small moments.’ The book, they explain is based around the premise that ‘some days you hold on, others you let go’.

 By way of explanation, the authors add: ‘This small collection of field notes is less of a ‘how to’ book than a ‘try this’ book. It’s about keeping your feet on this sacred earth. And taking wing. At the same time.’

This is the second work by both authors, who have a background which includes journalism, art and faith (both have been ordained Anglican priests) and follows their acclaimed first book Lifelines.

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work