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Life & Work Magazine

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A Call Towards Ministry

When Jesus called his first disciples, he called them away from what they knew. They left their nets and an intensive three-year training period ensued. The Pentecost Spirit, having descended upon them, commissioned them to fill their nets with faith-filled folk. Those people then in turn gossiped the gospel to family, friends and communities, down through the centuries.

When you think of how you came to faith, I bet it is the people that stand out. The love of God shining through them as they lived out their God given callings, usually without fanfare or trumpet.

This is not just other people we are talking about – this is you too! You are called!

Some will be called to leave their nets, and enter into the national ministries of the readership, diaconate or sacramental ministry. Others will be called to stay and fulfil their ministry in their own congregations, work places and everyday lives. Either way, you have a ministry to which God is calling YOU!

How are you called to Serve?

Do you feel a niggle towards something more?

Look out for our ‘Towards Ministry’ days, where we will celebrate our calling! Hear f rom others who have sat where you now sit. Learn about the different opportunities, resources and support that is available. These are informal and locally based events, allowing you to bring your questions and share your story with us.

You are invited to join our short, on-line course ‘Conversations in Calling’ which will begin in the autumn. If you have an inner wondering then it’s time to start exploring what God is seeking from you. The course is open to Church members and non-members alike – anyone who is up for exploring!

Called to Learn?

We need to grow the number of people serving in our national ministries so two new members of staff have been appointed to the People and Training team. Martin Fair and Eleanor McMahon bring a lifetime of parish ministry experience to this area. Initially they will focus on the universal call of every Church member because it is meaningful support in thriving local congregations that ultimately grows our national ministries.

Launched in August, Church of Scotland Learning is a new platform that will increasingly provide Church members with resources to develop their skills, biblical knowledge and thinking. Together with all that is provided by Presbyteries and our Church colleges, local congregations will be helped to grow in confidence, faith and into new missional initiatives.

Eleanor McMahon

We are also developing an Apprenticeship Route – anew twoyear programme that could lead people into various avenues of full-time service. Aimed at younger people who have the necessary vision, passion and leadership potential, as well as recognising the practical and life experience of the more mature. We hope the Apprenticeship Route opens up and speeds up the road to ministry.

The Towards Ministry Team

Martin Fair

You may have known us better as the Recruitment Team or even the Vocations Team. Having a new name, with a new impetus, our focus is to help you discern your Calling. Whether it is to our national ministries or continuing to serve in your local context, God is calling you onwards!

For a quick chat. Contact our Towards Ministry Team and speak, without pressure or expectation, with Eleanor or Martin ministry@churchofscotland.org.uk

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work