Prayer |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


In this season of change as days shorten as darkness begins to creep upon us as coolness pushes summer warmth aside as the hues of autumn appear in all their vibrancy as the last of the harvest is gathered in at this time of change we turn to God.

To God who is unchanging constant in care abiding in compassion enduring in love.

Lord, in this season of change help us to see and embrace the changes around us. To look with fresh eyes at the wonders of creation as they change with the changing season that we might continue to praise you for all the beauty that surrounds us.

In the changes of life that come with life’s changing seasons as we face unexpected challenges as we adapt to changed circumstances in the changes of life, we turn to God.

To God who is unchanging constant in care abiding in compassion enduring in love.

Lord, in the changes and challenges of life be ever near us to strengthen, encourage, and comfort us in our time of need.

In the changes of church life as congregations unite as buildings close as Presbyteries merge as ministries develop in the changes of church life, we turn to God.

To God who is unchanging constant in care abiding in compassion enduring in love.

Lord, in this season of change and uncertainty in your church in our denomination give us a vision of the future give us courage to embrace change to welcome new opportunities, to see new possibilities, and may we know you are with us yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Lord, in all the challenges and changes we face let us hear again the words of Jesus, “Take courage! It is I. Do not be afraid.”

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work