My church |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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My church

Lyn Ross, Session Clerk at Carnoustie Panbride Church, highlights the breadth of the congregation’s work in the parish.

I BECAME a member of the Church of Scotland in my late teens and have been involved, one way and another, in churches since.

We moved to Carnoustie in 1985 and looking for a church to attend I visited Carnoustie Panbride Church where I received a warm welcome. As my faith has always been important to me and has sustained me through some challenging times in my life I felt this was a place I wanted to be.

I became a Sunday School teacher and later was involved with the Youth Group.

I was a member of the Congregational Board in the early 1990s, was ordained an Elder in 1996 and have been Session Clerk for a number of years.

Over the years, taking part in Bible studies, prayer groups and discussions has enriched my knowledge of the Bible and deepened my faith which led me to become a worship leader. This can, at times, be a challenge, but I know that God is working in the background and all will be well.

We have youth involved in church life – Our FOG Squad is for primary school age children and JAFFA for those in secondary school and they are involved in all aspects of our church life. We are also involved in Messy Church events and welcome the children from the local primary school for Easter, Christmas and end of term services.

We have strong community links too, with our halls being used by many varied groups – from music to dance to keeping fit – and being home to the local primary school’s Fairtrade Cafe once a month which is well attended by the community.

The Covid-19 pandemic changed things for us all and we embraced ‘online’ worship and the use of social media to keep in touch with our church family.

The Covid-19 pandemic changed things for us all and we embraced ‘online’ worship and the use of social media to keep in touch with our church family. This continues and is much appreciated by those who are unable to come to church.

Lyn Ross

Pre-pandemic we had a variety of social and fundraising events throughout the year which were well supported and much enjoyed. These are, thankfully back again. We have teas, coffees and fellowship after the Sunday service and Coffee and Chat on a Wednesday morning. We also have a Musical Memories on the last Wednesday of the month which is open to all, but especially those with dementia and their carers. We also have a Soup and Sweet lunch on the last Sunday of the month between September and May.

Our Pastoral Care team visit members who are ill or housebound and help with the services in care homes. Our Worship Team, of which I am part, works closely with our minister and participates regularly in services.

As the words of hymn 522 in CH4 say: “The Church is wherever Christ’s followers are trying to live and to share out the good news of God” and this is what I try to do every day whether by talking to somebody in the supermarket, in the street or in church. 

This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2023 Issue of Life and Work