Beacons of light |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

3 mins

Beacons of light

The Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton challenges readers to ‘be church now’.

WHAT are we going to do now? I used to get that from my kids all the time – ALL THE TIME!

It wasn’t a declaration of boredom per se, but one born from an energy that exuded from the core of their being. It was exhausting, but it also offered a constant reminder that life is for living – it is an adventure to be cherished. Being present in the ‘now’ – fully present – is a challenge we as a church need to grapple with and embrace. ‘What are we going to do now?’ cannot get lost in our discernment about our future.

One of the highlights for me at the General Assembly was an all-too-brief meeting with the youth delegates. Rather than my speaking to them, I took the opportunity to listen, to tap into the insights in the room, to ask questions about what was important to them as people of faith. Their wisdom was inspiring and their contributions reflected back a deep desire for the Church of Scotland to be firmly rooted in the now! There was a considered understanding that the church needs to evolve, to reflect and regroup and rebuild, but not at the expense of being fully present today. They talked about the importance of having difficult conversations, where we listen intentionally. They see these as gifts we give each other. They shared concerns that we are in danger of focusing too narrowly on money and buildings, and leaving people behind. And they shared hope in the bright beacons of light they see in their church communities – in their own words, they called for ‘optimism’, ‘fellowship’, ‘empowerment’, and ‘forward thinking’ that produced action and movement, that created a vibrant, relevant trajectory. In their own words, they see the church as ‘family’ and ‘community’. They identified strongly with a sense of being part of the church today, not simply part of its future – ‘we are church!’

The wisdom gleaned from that all-toobrief discussion has stayed with me, and I have watched for those beacons of light – they are easy to see when you look. Two moments that stand out happened within days of each other, but resonated strongly with the Church of Scotland being firmly a part of ‘now.’

The Honours of Scotland service at St Giles was a moment rich in history, but it also embraced who we are as a nation. The convening and inclusive space created during that service reflected something vitally important – a deep respect and love for each other that explodes barriers. It was inspiring to hear words of wisdom from many faiths shared in that sacred Christian building. Our sharing and solidarity with each other never dilutes, only strengthens. ‘We are a saga, not a short story, a symphony, not a solo.’

Another beacon of light is the work of CrossReach, and I was given the gift of a morning at Threshold Transitions, a CrossReach initiative that provides space and mentoring to young people who need extra to transition from education to living independently in the community. What a phenomenal place and group of people! Together, they have created family in the best sense of the word – a safe place to explore, learn and grow in confidence. The words from ouryouth delegates echoed around that space – ‘hope, optimism, community’.

Moderatorofthe General Assemblyofthe Church ofScotland the Rt RevSallyFoster-Fulton

As we continue our journey together, I challenge us all to raise our gaze and continue to be church now! We have so many challenges, but look at what else we have – each other! More strength to your elbow as you live out Christ’s call to love and serve your communities.

We are warm spaces, we are mentoring programmes, we are welcoming stations, we are communities that feed souls and spirits, as much as we provide physical nourishment. We are part of the body of Christ, a small part of something so much bigger!

So, I ask us to embrace the question born of an energy that exudes from the Christ-core of our being – ‘what are we going to do now?’ ¤

The Rt Rev Sally Foster-Fulton is Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2023/24.

This article appears in the September 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the September 2023 Issue of Life and Work