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Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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A transformational statement

‘WINDOWS on the Resurrection’ is an art installation that started its life as a set of twelve discarded windows waiting to be taken to the local landfill.

Instead they were rescued by the creative team at Sanctuary First and turned into a dynamic, colourful, stained glass window light and music show, depicting scenes from the story of the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

The designs for the windows were created by Jack Steel the freelance creative director of Sanctuary First and the haunting sound track was written by Dr Allan Hewitt, a member of the Sanctuary First Community. The windows were painted by members of the local charity ‘Stirling 4 Community’ and some others from the wider Sanctuary First community.

Each discarded window invites the viewer to look beyond the present time framed moment to allow the light of the resurrection to pierce their soul. Twelve windows inviting you to look beyond their domestic past and encounter the presence of the risen Lord.

During three days of Holy Week just under a thousand people visited St Cuthbert’s Church in Edinburgh to view the installation.

Many people lingered, allowing the prayers and the soundtrack to speak into their lives. Many thousands more continue to be attracted to the story online. The following link will give an insight into the extent of the work.


Although Easter has passed for another year, the story of the Resurrection Windows is not over. Every day for the Christian is resurrection day.

As I viewed the hundreds of people in St Cuthbert’s standing and reflecting, some praying, it occurred to me that it would be a shame to take the windows now and lock them away in storage until next year. Instead, having spoken to our team we feel that there may be a number of congregations who could host the installation and use it as an outreach in their area. Especially those congregations who are situated in areas where there is a passing footfall.

So what is required, you ask? The Sanctuary First team is willing to be available to set up the installation and remove it at the end of the show. The local congregation would have to commit to a small team of people willing to be guides, for the duration of the installation. Their role would be to welcome the visitors and to be open to enter into conversation if questions are asked about the installation and faith.

This is an opportunity to have an exhibition happening in your area that goes to the very heart of the meaning of the Christian faith. It is a missional opportunity to talk of resurrection at a time when many are feeling all is lost.

It might just be the final act of mission taking place out of a building scheduled for closure.

These, at one time discarded, windows make a truly wonderful transformational statement.  

If this interests you get in touch with us by emailing contact@sanctuaryfirst.org.uk

This article appears in the June 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2023 Issue of Life and Work