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Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

4 mins



12.30-2pm GA Welcome Lunch hosted by the Ministries Recruitment Team St Columba’s-by-the-Castle How can every member of the Church of Scotland help recruit future ministers, deacons and readers? Hear from the Very Rev Dr Martin Fair as he begins in his new role as Pathways to Ministries Manager for the Faith Action Programme. Free lunch.


12.30-2pm The Church in the World Today Quaker Meeting House Come and join the Faith Impact Forum and hear about some of the issues affecting our partners around the world. Hear from Rev Lydia Neshangwe from UPCSA Presbytery of Zimbabwe, Daoud Nasser from the Tent of Nations in Palestine and the Rev Kim Chang Ju, General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Republic of Korea. Lunch will be provided.

12.30-2pm Tearfund Scotland Augustine United Church Tearfund Scotland invites you to learn and be inspired by the church in the global south. Hear stories of how communities have been transformed through the local church and learn how you can join in the conversation with church leaders from around the world as they discuss local mission in their context.

12.30-2pm St Mary’s College (University of St Andrews) Alumni Lunch First Floor Library of the Quaker Meeting House. A lunch for alumni of the School of Divinity at St Andrews, hosted by Dr Eric Stoddart.

Image from the General Assembly 2022
Photo credit: Andrew O’Brien for the Church of Scotland


12.30-2pm Climate Justice St Columba’s-by-the-Castle Some of the people of the world most affected by global heating have contributed the least to carbon emissions and are least able to respond. We shall hear about some practical steps you and your congregation can take, including making progress towards becoming a Net Zero Church and learning about the latest opportunities for political advocacy around ‘Loss and Damage’.

Lunch will be provided. This event is hosted by the Faith Impact Forum and Christian Aid Scotland.

12.30-1.55pm CrossReach Heart for Art: Creating Community Connections Augustine United Church Join us to find out more from our artists, their families and carers, our project partners and team members. You will also have the chance to enjoy a selection of the Artists’ masterpieces.

12.30pm–2pm Seeds for Growth Fund Scottish Storytelling Centre An opportunity to learn about the new Seeds for Growth Fund which aims to support the numerical and spiritual growth of both existing Church of Scotland congregations and new worshipping communities. Gain insights into the funding criteria, sizes of grants available, how to apply, and other potential funders who share the vision for this type of work. Buffet lunch provided.

5.30-7pm COSEN@GA Costa Coffee, 1 Hanover Street An informal chance to meet and chat over coffee, networking and praying together through the Church of Scotland Evangelical Network.

5.30pm Church Service Society: Annual Meeting Greyfriars Kirk Following the publication of his book, Mission in Contemporary Scotland, the Rev Liam Fraser PhD will speak on worship in a missional context. Admission is free. All welcome with supper available after the lecture by registering with the secretary, Scott McKenna,

7pm Guild Big Sing Assembly Hall An evening of worship, praise, fellowship and celebration! Tickets available from the Guild office. Contact

Information as supplied at time of going to press. Visit for updates.


12 noon Church of Scotland Military Chaplains’ Association St Giles’ Cathedral Act of Remembrance

12.30pm A Wee Sing and Some Lunch with the Iona Community Augustine United Church Join Iona Community members and staff to find out how we’re transforming lives to change the world. Share lunch together - with stories of peace and justice, work and worship and have the opportunity to discover the latest resources from the Wild Goose Resource Group and Wild Goose Publications.

12.30-2pm Place for Hope St Columba’s-by-the-Castle In times of change or challenge, we know that practical support can help. Place for Hope supports the Church of Scotland through the Living Peace Programme which offers learning programmes, facilitated conversations and coaching to enable more open dialogue around important or challenging subjects. Come and meet some of the team who will share their experiences of peacebuilding and reconciliation, exploring what Place for Hope continues to offer the church and community. Light lunch provided.

12.45pm Church of Scotland Housing and Loan Fund for Retired Ministers and Widows and Widowers of Ministers New College Senate Room All are welcome to come along to a brief presentation detailing the assistance offered by the Housing and Loan Fund. Light refreshments will be provided. Anyone who is interested but unable to attend can call the secretary, Hazel Bett, on 07929 418762.


12.30-2pm Disability and the Church St Columba’s-by-the-Castle Discover how congregations and presbyteries have been working to create an ethos of belonging for disabled people; find out about resources and organisations which can support and equip and hear a little bit about the work of the Disability Inclusion Working Group; and have some time of food and fellowship.

12.30-2pm New College Alumni Lunch New College: Main Reception Area All New College alumni are warmly invited to the annual alumni lunch. There is no cost - aretiring collection will be taken.

12.30-2pm University of Aberdeen Divinity Alumni Lunch New College Senate Room Join fellow graduates of the University of Aberdeen for a lunch sponsored by Christ’s College.

This article appears in the May 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the May 2023 Issue of Life and Work