900th anniversary | Pocketmags.com
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

900th anniversary

One of the oldest standing churches in Scotland celebrates its 900th anniversary this year with a series of events. St Fillan’s, Aberdour, in Fife, is presumed to date from 1123, when Inchcolm Abbey was founded not far away on the island in the Firth of Forth. While other churches were founded earlier, there are believed to be few, if any, where the original building remains in use. The 900th anniversary year began on January 8 with the unveiling of banners by the church’s 900 committee to mark the start of the celebrations. The first major event was on February 10, when political radio show Any Questions? was broadcast from the church.

On February 19, worship was conducted by John Bell. Plans for the rest of the year include a celebration service led by the Moderator of the General Assembly in May, talks, exhibitions, concerts and a trip to Inchcolm Abbey. For more information on all these events, visit stfillanschurch.org.uk/900th-anniversary/

Pictured: the 900 Committee at the unveiling of banners. Back, from left: Colin Campbell, David Graham, Andy Bastow. Front: Sue Farrar, Kate Wheaton, Linda Forret.

This article appears in the April 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the April 2023 Issue of Life and Work