Communion anniversary |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Communion anniversary

I am a member of Davidson’s Mains Parish Church in Edinburgh but on the last Sunday of October 2022, I received communion in Blackhall St Columba’s. For me this was a Sunday of memories because that day marked seventy years since I first shared in the sacrament of Holy Communion in that beautiful stone building.

On the previous Friday evening which in those days was usually the time for the Preparatory service, when those coming on Sunday “prepared” themselves to take part in the solemn act of Communion. I had professed my faith publicly, answered the questions given by the Church of Scotland and been admitted to membership.

In 1952 the minister, Rev Watson Mathewson had recently been inducted and this was his first Communion there. I had attended the class for new communicants and was, as it happened, the first of the group of us joining to be asked the questions and admitted. On the Sunday we would sit in the general congregation with family if we had any.

Of course, receiving one’s first communion and “joining the church” is very impressive and important. I had already made my commitment to follow Jesus largely through the influence of Scripture Union at school. This was the public declaration of the personal faith I had been brought up in, from my baptism by the Rev Charles Smith in St David’s Viewforth, Edinburgh, going to church every Sunday and saying prayers every night at bedtime.

Cartoon: Bill McArthur

All this Christian upbringing came to fruition on that October Sunday 70 years ago. That is why I went back to remember and give thanks seventy years on.

To God be the Glory!

This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work