My church |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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My church

In a new series, people describe their churches in words and pictures.

Dundonald Parish Church in Ayrshire

MY name is David Carmichael and I am a member of Dundonald Parish Church in Ayrshire. I became a member in February 2022 and I have been attending since September 2021.

I was brought up in a Church of Scotland church but I left the Christian faith at the age of 16 and returned at the age of 23. After prayer I left the church I was in, ironically during the pandemic which wasn’t the best time to be searching for a church. I stumbled across a programme on BBC called ‘Reflections on the Quay’ which had the Dundonald Parish Church minister on it, Lynsey Brennan.

I was really encouraged by the way she spoke. This then led to the family watching the online services before we started to attend church and then later joined. The plan was to visit the church once and then look at the options but after visiting once we have never left. The ‘we’ is my mum (Carol), dad (Duncan) and sister (Jill).

From the moment I stepped into Dundonald Church, I have just felt a part of it. The inside of the church is just so peaceful, everybody is so friendly and what God is achieving in this church is amazing. There are so many churches sadly declining but Dundonald Church is thriving.

In 2022, there will be 25 new members including myself and my family. That is an unbelievable number for any church but for a village church it is extraordinary. It is amazing to be part of a church where God is at the centre. Ask our minister Lynsey why the church is thriving and she will tell you that it’s through prayer.

What I love about the church is everything and I know that maybe sounds clichéd but it is true.

A big thing for me personally is community and reaching people just like Jesus taught us and this is exactly what Dundonald Church is doing. There are various groups within the church and community to reach others and to make them feel valued. I think it’s amazing that the church is able to be active in the local school and the children are just so engaged on a Sunday in the service. I love the music, being able to worship and glorify God’s name. It is a church that caters for all whether it be through teaching, music, community or fellowship. For me Dundonald Church is home and a place I look forward to go to.

Dundonald Church really is special, it is a church that is growing, not only in numbers but in faith. It really is a special place to be, where you can see God’s work in action. I know that God has placed me here and I am excited about what the future brings as God is at the centre of this church. I think what God is achieving through Lynsey and everybody in Dundonald Church is exciting.

I love being a part of a church which is challenging and growing me as a Christian. 

This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work