Prayer |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


Lord of the turning years And the growing Universe, We station ourselves at the beginning Of this New Year. With diaries and calendars Already filling, yet still there are Blank spaces and gaps and question marks. What will this year of grace be? What will be the highs and lows, The hopes and fears, The dreams and nightmares That still must shape and form and fill These coming days?

Where, in the gaps, will the Lord of time Find the place to whisper and speak and shout? Where, in the gaps, will be the times of Quiet reflection and soul nourishing?

God of the ages, In Your Creator hands all time is held, The past, the present, the future. You have already thought of paths for us To travel along. You have already built into each day that element of choice That enriches, and sometimes perplexes, Our relationship with You. What do You want us to be in this life? What do You want us to do in this year?

We hold each shining minute, day and month, In our trembling yet grateful hands, Acknowledging that full time and empty time Are equal gifts from You, To be used, and experienced. In these liquid moments, With our days not yet completely committed, We hold up this New Year to you, And all life within it, And ask for blessing, blessing, blessing. For us and for our loved ones; For our work and for our leisure; For our country and our world; And for Your Church in these times of change, And uncertainty, and opportunity.

Lord of the turning years, Hear all our prayers this day in the Name of Jesus.

This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work