Eric Liddell centenary to be marked |
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Eric Liddell centenary to be marked

Professor Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh with John MacMillan, CEO, The Eric Liddell Community with the statue of Eric Liddell at Edinburgh University

Sporting heroes, educational masterminds. cultural icons and corporate professionals are joining together to orchestrate a major programme of activities to honour the legacy of one of the world’s best-known sporting icons.

Launching the Eric Liddell 100, a large group of individuals and organisations, representing excellence in their fields, are now engaged in three strategic steering groups – sport, education and culture – to work with John MacMillan, CEO of the Eric Liddell Community, an Edinburgh-based charity established in his name in 1980.

Eric Liddell is remembered for refusing to run in his favoured event – the 100 metres – at the 1924 Olympics in Paris because the heats were held on a Sunday. Instead, he competed in and won the 400 metres, a triumph depicted in the Oscar-winning 1981 film Chariots of Fire.

After the Olympics he returned to China, where he had been born, to work as a missionary. Interned by the Japanese during the Second World War, he died of a brain tumour in 1945.

The three task forces working with John MacMillan will create a major campaign which will run up until the centenary and beyond to ensure that Eric’s life, sporting achievements and community service are celebrated in 2024 and his legacy will live on for future generations.

John MacMillan said: “While best known for his sporting prowess, Eric was also known as a compassionate, multifaceted man, who embraced life and encouraged, empowered and enabled others to get the most out of their lives.

“I believe that as CEO of an organisation that felt so strongly about Eric Liddell that a charity was established in his name, I have a duty to ensure that his life, sporting achievements and community service are remembered and valued. I am however, not embarking on this project alone and am delighted that Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal has agreed to be its Patron.”

Whilst the centenary of Eric Liddell’s gold medal win on July 12 1924 provides an important marker and an opportunity to recognise and celebrate his achievements, the intention is to launch and sustain the work of the Eric Liddell 100 up to and beyond this date. As part of this, Olympic silver medallist and teacher Gemma Burton has been seconded to develop a cross cutting school curriculum, that has a focus on Eric’s life and achievements.

John added: “I have had fantastic support from Eric Liddell’s family, the Eric Liddell Community Board, Scottish Rugby, Scottish Athletics and the University of Edinburgh – all organisations have strong links with Eric Liddell. We have also had many other supporters already joining us from the business, education and cultural sectors in Scotland, the rest of the UK and internationally. I feel honoured by the calibre of the people and organisations which have joined or pledged allegiance to the project”

Colin Hutchison, CEO of Scottish Athletics said: “2024 provides an ideal opportunity to celebrate the legacy of Eric Liddell’s iconic 400m gold medal win at the 1924 Paris Olympics. His sporting achievements along with inspiring life story, made Eric Liddell a sporting hero to be remembered and cherished.”

This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the January 2023 Issue of Life and Work