Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

2 mins


December 2022 Crossword


1 Yahweh (7)

5 Christening (7)

9 Part of chorus of hymn ‘O Lord my God’, (3,5,4,3)

10 Design (6)

11 Group of herons (5)

14 Speech from pulpit (6) 15 Dull variety of a milky gem (4-4)

18 Dashingly (8)

19 Relative (6)

21 Ninth day in Roman calendar (5)

23 Regular beat (6)

26 ‘Let all the world in -- -- --’, (hymn) (5,6,4)

27 Ornamental tufts (7)

28 Sheltered part (3,4)


1 Author of Revelation (4)

2 Bird of prey (4) 3 Devouring greedily (9)

4 ‘From --You came, helpless Babe’, (hymn) (6)

5 Attacked with artillery (8)

6 Devout (5)

7 ‘O God our help -- -- --’, (hymn) (2,4,4)

8 One’s native country (10)

12 Severe (10)

13 ‘Beauty for --, hope for despair’, (hymn) (10)

16 Old term for railway engine (4,5)

17 ‘-- things of Thee are spoken’, (hymn) (8)

20 Church songbook (6)

22 Fashion (5)

24 Internet facility (2-2)

25 Leer (4)

December 2022 Cryptic Crossword


1 Some of those appeared in the book (5)

4 Examine second tent first (7)

9 Some loud chewing during maths? (6-9)

10 It is designed to reduce slipping where there are no French kids playing (3-4) 11 Nobleman’s gold hair to be restored, not right (7)

12 Firefighter contained his anger (3)

13 Samuel with operatic solo from ancient Palestine (7)

15 Least clear that it’s yours truly in midst spinning (7)

16 Helps to do favours (7)

19 Chapel at home in various sites (7)

21 Eggs found in the ground mostly (3)

22 Many an article in genuine performance (7)

23 One trying badly putting team leader in rage (7)

25 Number of holy orders (3,12)

26 Keep going person’s in trouble (5,2)

27 Age in single-seater (5)


1 So to 2 down, how such a clue may be described (7)

2 Talk about southern mountain (5)

3 Song about rotter in Greece (7)

4 How hacker exhaled air suddenly? (7)

5 NT character induces Mo after a fashion (9)

6 Across Allie could have placed under her shoulders (7)

7 Sight confessor could have had of Christian gesture (4,2,3,5)

8 Very close, just outside! (2,4,8)

14 Just correct, Sue arranged to put nothing inside (9)

17 Leave a permit (7)

18 Biblical songwriter? (7)

19 Did not stand heartless antic that was wicked (7)

20 Deep in the past perhaps (7)

24 Copy Roman characters (5)

There is no prize draw this month and the Crosswords are just for fun.

Solution to November 2022 Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Majesty; 5 Unction; 9 Dirge; 10 God is love; 11 Rector; 12 Asteroid; 14 Thora; 15 Hereafter; 18 Reverence; 20 Loren; 22 Believer; 24 Myopia; 26 Imaginary; 27 Ozone; 28 Roebuck; 29 Needful.

DOWN: 1 Moderator; 2 Jericho; 3 Stegosaur; 4 Yoga; 5 Undeserved; 6 Caste; 7 Iron out; 8 No end; 13 When we walk; 16 All my hope; 17 Ring a bell; 19 Vulgate; 21 Rope off; 22 Briar or Brier; 23 Elihu; 25 Hymn.

Solution to November 2022 Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Abraham; 5 Antipas; 9 Excommunication; 10 Stadia; 11 Aisle; 14 Aerate; 15 Seraphic; 18 Brethren; 19 Disown; 21 Ochre; 23 Andrew; 26 Harvest festival; 27 Reheard; 28 Tel Aviv.

DOWN: 1 Abel; 2 Rock; 3 Hemstitch; 4 Maundy; 5 Animated; 6 Tiara; 7 Priesthood; 8 Sentencing; 12 Lay brother; 13 Free Church;16 Alimental; 17 Departed; 20 Advent; 22 Elena; 24 Lvov; 25 Slav.

This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work