Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Kinross Parish Church has donated £500 to prepare gift bags of ‘goodies’ for those in need of encouragement who use the local day centre, the Kinross Centre.

This is a separate charity from the church but uses the church’s halls to provide a day centre with lunches and activities for the elderly from throughout Kinross-shire. The contents of the gift bags were provided by the church’s Traidcraft Group and the bags were made by the church’s Craft Group from donated material.

The gift bags are one of the projects supported by the church from the £5,500 donated by the congregation in last year’s National Giving Day.

The minister at Kinross, the Rev Alan Reid, says: “We were blessed by continued generous giving during the pandemic so decided that our National Giving Day should be a thank-offering to support local community projects. Many community groups were struggling financially as a result of the pandemic and our members were asked to suggest local projects to support.”

As well as the £500 for the gift bags for the elderly, the church has so far donated £1,000 to the local food bank ‘Broke Not Broken’, £1,000 to the Kinross Centre for activity equipment, £500 to a local home for adults with complex disabilities for an outdoor table and £900 to the adversity fund of a local swimming club for young people.

This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work