From The Editor |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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From The Editor

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AS December dawns another calendar year has almost passed and a new Church year is underway.

2022 has thrown up many challenges for the Church of Scotland both locally and centrally – some predictable but some entirely unexpected.

In the season of Advent – atime of necessary preparation for what is to come – there are clear parallels with the work of the Church.

This year has involved pain for some as the Church moves to deal with a long legacy of too many buildings – some now in the wrong place – and seeks to plan effectively for the future.

But amid the pain, opportunity has emerged. The unexpected financial challenges of the year – including spiralling fuel and energy costs and the cost of living crisis – have presented the opportunity anew for churches to do what they do best – serving local needs and offering comfort to those in desperate circumstances and reaching out to help and let those in greatest need know that they are not alone.

And this, the month of deepest darkness in the northern hemisphere, is not just a time of preparation, but a time of hope. The light and promise of the Gospel this season could touch and reach more people than we realise.

As we retell the simple yet familiar old story anew through the New Testament accounts of the birth of the Son of God in the humblest surroundings, there is opportunity to touch and engage with communities hungry for hope amid what could potentially be the bleakest of midwinters.

"There is opportunity to touch and engage with communities hungry for hope amid what could potentially be the bleakest of midwinters."

For Jesus was born in the poorest surroundings with none of the accoutrements which heralded a new arrival 2000 years ago. But his arrival, amid the most basic of overnight shelters, in a stable surrounded by farm animals, brought hope and light to the world.

As the story is retold anew, perhaps by tiny children in their first nativity play or by elders reading the old words, may the spirit of the familiar words offer a timeless reminder of that miracle which changed our world and brought light and love – and (most importantly) hope amid the darkness as the world we know changes.

The Life and Work team would like to wish all our readers a blessed Christmas and offer thanks for your continuing support for the magazine of the Church of Scotland as we move into 2023.

This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the December 2022 Issue of Life and Work