Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


Ever loving and compassionate God, Words, words, endless words and aspirations but so little changes.

We remember those who died in the Great Wars, and still round our world so many still die in conflicts. We grieve as you grieve at the cost to human lives and the endless sorrow of broken hearts across our world.

Crushed by the frustration of….”what if?” Haunted by that final farewell. We think of those whose lives were cut short in their prime – never able to enjoy so much that we take for granted in life. The haunting reality of those we should have known but never did - whose company would have enriched our lives. We stand at a memorial and see a name – only a name, but so much more, for we are part of them and they of us. Thank you for them.

Yet…. Loss, loss, loss. Deep irreversible loss. Forgive us. Forgive our world that finds peace so difficult. War, that keeps springing up like a weed in the garden of our world.

Haunting us and bringing grief to so many and leaving a scar that cannot be healed. We pray for those who grieve this day – for whom Remembrance Sunday brings such pain. Prince of Peace. Comforter. Healer. Come near. Bring strength, comfort and peace – hope and reconciliation.

Lord of all wisdom, Humble the hearts of those who are for war. Give wisdom to those who work for peace – who are peacemakers. Grieving God, who watches over this beautiful world and, on this Day of Remembrance, sees such pain – who weeps with us, come through your Spirit and bring healing and hope. Let your justice flow like a mighty river and engulf our world in the peace of Christ our Lord.

A Remembrance prayer from the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 2022/23, the Rt Rev Dr Iain Greenshields.

Photo: iStock

This article appears in the November 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2022 Issue of Life and Work