Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

1 mins


A Scottish minister has been appointed as the new National Chaplain for the Boys’ Brigade.

The Rev Stewart Cutler, who has been involved in the BBs since the age of six, said he was ‘delighted’ to take up the role.

Stewart is a United Reformed Church (URC) minister serving at St Ninian’s in Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, a Local Ecumenical Partnership of the URC and Church of Scotland. He has worked with children, young people, volunteers and students in churches and communities around Scotland during his ministry.

Stewart said: “I am delighted to become the Chaplain of the Boys’ Brigade in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. I’ve spent the last 30 years working with children, young people and their leaders in churches, so I know just how important the Boys’ Brigade is to the Church – for reaching out into the community, and engaging with young people, bringing them to faith and telling them the good news of Jesus. For me the Boys’ Brigade has hugely impacted my spiritual journey and also my working life. It has always been a place of fun, friendship and faith.”

Jonathan Eales, Chief Executive of the Boys’ Brigade, said: “I am pleased to welcome Stewart as our new Brigade Chaplain. He brings to the role a wealth of experience and a passion for our work with children and young people. As a Christian youth organisation we are determined to build and to strengthen our partnerships both locally and nationally with the Church.”

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This article appears in the November 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the November 2022 Issue of Life and Work