Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Beith Parish Church in North Ayrshire marked some special anniversaries on Sunday July 24. This year there have been five baptisms, three new members joining the church and on July 24 the Church presented certificates marking 30 years’ service to elders Thomas Anderson, Edna Duncan, Vivienne Macdonald and Gordon Isbister.

The certificates were presented by Allan Richardson, acting Moderator of Ardrossan Presbytery. The Church was rededicated after having finally completed a full restoration and development of the sanctuary.

Mr Richardson presented the minister, the Rev Roddy Macdonald, with new Communion cloths and falls, and the furniture and windows which had come as part of the union of the former Beith High and Beith Trinity churches were re-consecrated.

This article appears in the October 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2022 Issue of Life and Work