Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Urgent appeals have been made for help for Pakistan, where the worst monsoon floods in more than a decade have killed over 1000 people and left a third of the country underwater.

The UN estimates that about 33 million people in Pakistan have been affected by the flooding. Half a million houses have been destroyed, and crops and livestock have been lost. Damage to roads and bridges has hampered aid efforts, especially in remote areas.

The Christian development charity Tearfund, which has partner organisations in Pakistan, has appealed for help to provide food, shelter and safe drinking water.

The appeal says: “The climate crisis is making extreme weather like this more common and severe – and it’s the poorest communities who are being hit hardest.

Tearfund’s partner LAMP describe how, near the city of Larkana, thousands of homes have sunk under water. All that’s visible are treetops. Children are carrying other children for miles in a desperate bid to reach safety. People urgently need food, while waterborne diseases are beginning to spread.”

You can donate to Tearfund’s Pakistan appeal at get-involved/donate/donation-forms/ donation-form?fund=AB7F07AD-A0DB- 4CF4-AD1A-CCE6DDEB5738

Flood damage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan Credit: Save the Children.

This article appears in the October 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the October 2022 Issue of Life and Work