Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


The Church of Scotland team emerged triumphant from the annual golf tournament against the Church of England in June.

The match, between 12 representatives of each denomination, alternates between England and Scotland. This year it was held north of the Border, at Seafield and Belleisle Golf Courses in Ayr. Much of the organisation was carried out by the Rev David Gemmell, minister of Ayr:

Auld Kirk, with the assistance of South Ayrshire Council.

After the match, won by Scotland by 10 games to 8, both teams retired to the Chestnuts Hotel in Ayr for a Presentation

Dinner. Special guests at the dinner were Provost Iain Campbell and Depute Provost Mary Kilpatrick, who presented the cup to the winning captain, the Very Rev Dr John Chalmers. There was also an individual prize for the golfer who shot the best score over the opening nine holes in the afternoon at Belleisle, won by the only other local minister taking part, the Rev Kenneth Elliott, minister of Craigie Symington linked with Prestwick South.

Kenneth said: “It truly was a wonderful event and all twenty-four golfers thoroughly enjoyed their time in sunny Ayrshire. “ 

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This article appears in the September 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the September 2022 Issue of Life and Work