Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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August 2022 Crossword – Compiled by Jeannie Hollands


1 ‘Look,-- --, the sight is glorious’, (hymn) (2,6)

9 Female pilot (8)

10 Religious observance (4)

11 Room for accommodation (5-7)

13 Levi (7) 15 Tidal wave (7)

16 King of Tyre (2 Samuel 5:11) (5)

17 Excessively active (5)

18 Ablaze (5)

20 Spirit (5)

22 Assistant navigator (7)

23 Fluctuating rapidly (2-5)

25 Film starring Marlon Brando (3,9)

27 Sworn declaration (4)

28 South American monkey (8)

29 Business (8)


2 January 6th (8) 3 ‘O Lord, the clouds -- --’, (hymn) (3,9) 4 Ancient Assyrian capital (7)

5 Said (biblical) (5)

6 Indian religion (7) 7 ‘No -- for a bed’, (carol) (4)

8 Bodily exertion (8)

12 ‘-- -- --, what a name’, (hymn) (3,2,7)

14 Island off Hampshire (5)

15 Yellow-flowered plant (5)

17 Great public sacrifice (8)

19 Pursue (3,5)

20 Female deity (7)

21 Small recess in rock (7)

24 Prickly plants (5)

26 Book preceding Nehemiah (4)

August 2022 Cryptic Crossword – Compiled by Peter Chamberlain


1 Some tea, chutney for everybody (4)

3 Teach panel about part of college religious building (10)

9 Die frozen stiff! (3,4)

11 Wanderer who made progress according to the book (7)

12 Provision of public need in religious building usually takes place on Sunday (6,7)

14 Airborne traveller finds no one with bill, he’s suffering from mental disorder (9)

16 Bottom of antenna dirty (5)

17 One used in spelling Senõr correctly (5)

19 From a castle, go round for some sugar (9)

21 Chinaman tries adopting this given at baptism (9,4)

24 Composers’ rates I’m revising (7)

25 Some assist in eastern chapel! (7)

26 Gang leader getting on with Australian miner (4-6)

27 One you knit from the sound of it (4)


1 Copies new head in office of bishop (10)

2 Auditor reportedly has piece used in Chinese game (7)

4 Nearly new records for turnips (5)

5 Most of realm I state being based on experience (9)

6 Blessed young children on December 28th (4,9)

7 Give warning before wine could run out (7)

8 Inexperienced skipper? (4)

10 What could be second nature Charlie included had not been made holy (13)

13 Enter river dangerously lacking in respect (10)

15 Taking into the body jokingly, say, in middle of night (9)

18 Milky drink in the French class (7)

20 Nothing to share from speech (7)

22 Outcome of marriage? (5)

23 Second simpleton self-satisfied (4)

There is no prize draw this month and the Crosswords are just for fun.

Solution to July 2022 Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Awake my soul; 9 Elbow; 10 Beelzebub; 12 Libation, 13 Bleeper, 15 Op art, 16 In-between; 17 Easy; 18 Scow; 19 Tangerine; 20 Inner; 21 The Book; 24 Talmudic; 26 Sauntered; 27 Ousel; 28 Emulsifying

DOWN: 2 Wheel; 3 Kilkenny; 4 My eye; 5 Soul; 6 Lebanon; 7 Obeisance; 8 Iwant to walk; 11 Bible Belt; 13 Benediction; 14 Retinitis; 16 Isinglass; 18 Snobbery; 19 Trouble; 22 Hindi; 23 Ocean; 25 Call

Solution to July 2022 Cryptic Crossword

ACROSS: 1 Dusty; 4 Scripture; 9 Chorale; 10 Introit; 11 Lord’s Prayer; 13 Inn; 14 Greece; 15 Marooned; 18 Eggheads; 20 Strati; 23 Pal; 24 Hymnography; 25 Syllabi; 26 Lobelia; 28 Rood-tower; 29 Psalm

DOWN: 1 Decalogue; 2 Scourge; 3 Yea; 4 Sherry; 5 Rainy day; 6 Paternoster; 7 Utopian; 8 Eaten; 12 Sacred Heart; 16 Dairy farm; 17 A dim view; 19 Galileo; 21 Ampulla; 22 Collar; 23 Poser; 27 Bap

This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the August 2022 Issue of Life and Work