Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


Easter Sunday saw the signing of the BEK (Burntisland Parish Church of Scotland, Erskine United Free and Kinghorn Parish Church of Scotland) Partnership Covenant at a united service of worship in Burntisland Parish Church.

Discussions about forming a partnership between the three Fife churches to maximise ministry and mission opportunities began in 2019. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020 brought about closer working relationships as the three churches jointly planned, prepared and delivered weekly livestreamed Sunday worship services.

The BEK churches are looking ahead to the future of working ecumenically in their local context and are in the process of employing a BEK Children’s and Families Worker.

Pictured l-r: the Rev Alexander Ritchie, minister, Erskine United Free Church; Ena Hudson, Session Clerk, Kinghorn Parish Church; Bill Sweenie, Session Clerk, Burntisland Parish Church; Bill Cairns, Session Clerk, Erskine United Free Church; the Rev Jim Reid, minister, Kinghorn Parish Church; and the Rev Eileen Miller, locum minister, Burntisland Parish Church.

This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work