Moderator joins South Sudan peace pilgrimage |
Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Moderator joins South Sudan peace pilgrimage

THE Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will join the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury on an historic ‘Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace’ to South Sudan this month.

Pope Francis, the Most Rev Justin Welby and the Rt Rev Dr Iain Greenshields have been invited by President Salva Kiir Mayardit and will meet with him and his five vicepresidents in Juba, the capital of the world’s youngest country, which has been blighted by civil war.

They will also meet local church leaders and people living in a displaced persons camp, and lead a large open-air prayer vigil for peace.

The purpose of the visit from July 5-7 is to renew a commitment to peace and reconciliation and stand in solidarity with millions of ordinary people who are suffering profoundly from continued armed conflict, violence, floods and famine.

Dr Greenshields said: “I am genuinely humbled at the opportunity to assist our brothers and sisters in South Sudan in the search for peace, reconciliation and justice.

“It is a privilege to be joining the Holy Father and the Archbishop of Canterbury on this historic Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Peace and we come as servants of the Global Church.

“We call on all people in South Sudan to give expression to Jesus’ words that ‘Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.’”

This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work