Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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Tributes were paid to the Rev Dr George Whyte as he prepared to retire as Principal Clerk to the General Assembly in May.

Dr Whyte, who has been Principal Clerk since 2017, was particularly praised for his response to the Covid-19 pandemic, when he helped guide the Church of Scotland through new ways of worshipping and conducting its business.

The convener and vice-convener of the Assembly Business Committee, the Rev Donald McCorkindale and Susan Pym, said: “All Principal Clerks face challenges in their day-to-day work.

“But very few will have had to face the enormity of supporting the Kirk through a global pandemic whilst facilitating and encouraging presbytery reform.

“In these worrying and demanding times, he has held the Church together, helped and encouraged us all with new methods of communication such as Zoom and Teams meetings, culminating with the first ever online General Assemblies.

“The legalities and technologies of such were bewildering but he pressed on with determination and vigour.”

And the convener and vice-convener of the Legal Questions Committee, the Rev Dr Grant Barclay and Victoria Linford, said that the Church at all levels had ‘good reason’ to be glad that he was the Principal Clerk during lockdown.

“George brought the knowledge and experience gained through a lifetime of service and willingly placed it at the service of the Kirk,” they said.

“His swift, assured and knowledgeable response through this period has enabled the Church to continue to function securely and effectively in worship, service and mission.”

Raised in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire, Dr Whyte was a minister in Argyll, Glasgow and Edinburgh before becoming Clerk of the Presbytery of Edinburgh in 2008.

He was convener of the Board of Ministry between 1996 and 2000 and Depute Clerk to the General Assembly between 2010-2017.

He said: “Looking back on 41 years of ministry, I would say it has been a privilege to serve the Church in many different settings and alongside so many wonderful people.

“I have always been surprised at what I have been called to do and where I have been asked to serve.

“I am glad that I answered God’s call to the ministry even if, at the time, I had no real idea of what I was taking on.

“I am also pleased to be laying down the responsibilities of being Principal Clerk.

“I have no idea what the future holds but, as that has always been the case, I am very comfortable waiting to see what is in store.”

This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the July 2022 Issue of Life and Work