Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine


A commissioning service was held at a Lanarkshire church in April for the first Anna Chaplain in Scotland.

Angela Brydson, who is a deacon of the Church of Scotland and the joint Community Outreach Worker for the Southern Ministry Cluster, was commissioned as an Anna Chaplain at Douglas Valley Church.

Founded in England by the TV presenter Debbie Thrower, and named after the widow Anna in Luke’s Gospel, Anna Chaplaincy is a ministry promoting the spiritual welfare of older people and those who look after them, both in care homes and sheltered housing and the wider community.

The service was led by the Rev Dr Nikki Macdonald of Upper Clyde with representatives of other churches taking part.

This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work