Life & Work Magazine
Life & Work Magazine

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A Church of Scotland prison chaplain has been recognised for brightening up the spirits of prisoners and staff at Scotland’s largest jail during the Covid19 crisis.

The Rev Jill Clancy notably took over the Barbed Wireless radio station at HMP Barlinnie in Glasgow during the first lockdown in 2020, when the men who usually ran it were not allowed out of their cells to slow the spread of the virus.

Styling herself ‘DJ Jolly Jilly’, she recorded, edited and broadcast an hour-long programme, consisting of music, quizzes and Thought for the Day, twice a week.

Mrs Clancy, the facilitator of HMP Barlinnie’s multi-faith chaplaincy team, also broadcast Sunday worship services, Catholic Mass and Muslim prayers.

Teresa Medhurst, chief executive of the Scottish Prison Service, presented her with a Meritorious Award in recognition of her positivity and the care she provided to prisoners and staff during the pandemic.

Mrs Clancy said: “It was a difficult, uncertain and unknown time for all the prisoners, management and staff at HMP Barlinnie and I did all that I could to help keep people’s spirits up.

“It was so much fun and I am thrilled that being a presence in the prison helped just a little for all of us to get through a difficult time.”

This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work

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This article appears in the June 2022 Issue of Life and Work